After picking up our guests from Spain and the Czech Republic at Luxemburg airport yesterday, we had some time to go home and introduce them to our families and let them unpack their suitcases. On Sunday evening, we met with all the students and teachers involved in our ErasmusPlus project, at the restaurant in Roscheider Hof, where Mrs Kallenborn also came to welcome our visitors. Our guests could also get a taste for German food for the first time, like Flieten or Flammkuchen. Thankfully, we all went home before the heavy rain shower in the evening, which was refreshing for the Spanish visitors, who have not seen rain in their country since last year!
Today, on the first school day of the Erasmus+ project, we spent the day getting to know each other and getting to know the school. The spanish and czech visitors were surprised about the size of our school. In the first lesson we met everyone and played some games to learn each other´s names. Then in the first big break, there was an official welcome from the school. The Big Band played two pieces and the school headteacher, Mr. Leyes, gave a welcome speech. Also for the German students it was funny in a positive way to hear our headteacher speak English. Every class prepared a colourful welcome poster, which were very creative and used different languages to welcome the exchange students. This helped our visitors feel very welcome and at home. Following that, we spent two lessons discussing sustainability goals and how we can find them in our life. Afer the second big break we used the ActionBound App, which is an online quiz app, to get to know the school, and we interviewed some students and teachers about sustainabilty at our school.
Then we had lunch in the Mensa. We informed ourselves about what happens with the leftovers and where the Mensa food comes from. More information about that next time!

After a break to play games or relax, we went shopping for a buffet being held in the Haus der Jugend in Konz the next day. We tried to focus on the sustainability of the food. For example, packaging, how the food is produced or where the food comes from. Some of us had problems finding free-range eggs (Freilandeier), or meat which had a good animal-welfare rating (Tierhaltung). However, most students found everything they were looking for and we all went home happy and tired at 5pm with our sustainable shopping, which we will prepare at home on Tuesday afternoon.
Here you can see some photos of what we did today.

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