
On the second day of our Erasmus+ week we raise the question: Is Gymnasium Konz a sustainable school?

First we created a questionnaire (Umfrage) for the whole school to answer questions about sustainable living. We hung the QR codes around the school building and we hope many students and teachers will answer our questions by Friday!

This morning our guests joined us in a normal school lesson to see what lessons are like in a German school. Some of our partners said that the pupils were very loud in lessons, and that some teachers were friendly, while others were not so friendly!

After breaktime, we showed our guests what is done sustainably in our school, such as producing heat without oil or gas but with wood from the local forests or making honey ourselves, and how to keep bees. Mr Ruhe explained everything in English and we enjoyed wearing the white protection suits. Some students (and teachers) were shy and didn’t come close to the bees. But the bees weren’t shy!

The day was very interesting and informative . Learning about how things work is very exciting and often we don’t think about where the heating or hot water comes from for our school buildings or sports hall, even though it is a question of sustainable living.

After lunch in the canteen, where we ate chicken curry or vegetarian pizza, we went home to cook or bake something sustainable for the evening. At 6 p.m. we met at the „Haus der Jugend“ in Konz for a buffet and games evening. Our challenge was to prepare a sustainable dish for the buffet with our exchange partner. Some dishes we made were vegan sandwiches, cakes made from eggs from Anna’s farm, and local cheeses from the market with walnuts from Kaylin’s garden. We could also make some products from bees wax, like hand cream or reusable wax cloths, with Mrs Ihrig. We also listened to music and danced, played games and chilled until we went home at 9 p.m. We all enjoyed the day.

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